Fundado el 18 de agosto del 2007
El Club Argentino de Periodistas Esquiadores es una asociación civil, sin fines de lucro, apolítica y aconfesional, integrada por periodistas a quienes nos gustan el esquí y las actividades de montaña.
El CAPE está integrado por profesionales de medios gráficos, televisión, radio e internet de todo el nuestro país, quienes crearon un espacio para el intercambio de ideas y proyectos y para compartir su pasión por los deportes en la nieve.
Los objetivos de nuestra institución, según indica el Estatuto, son «desarrollar y difundir el esquí y el snowboard entre los periodistas argentinos, incrementar la cultura de la montaña y el conocimiento de la realidad turística y social, como así también promover el acercamiento personal e intercambio profesional entre sus miembros . A tal fin la sociedad organizará periódicas reuniones abiertas a todos los socios, para la práctica de la actividad del esquí y el snowboard y para la promoción del intercambio profesional y cultural».
El CAPE fue constituido el sábado 18 de agosto del 2007, en el encuentro fundacional realizado en el Hotel Panamericano Bariloche y en el cerro Catedral
Nuestro club forma parte del SCIJ, Ski Club International des Journalistes.
Ya en la década del 60, periodistas argentinos participaron de una iniciativa que congregaba a cientos de profesionales, de un puñado de países europeos: se trata del SICJ, siglas del nombre en francés del Club Internacional de Periodistas Esquiadores.
Esta singular asociación, que vincula la profesión de la prensa con la afición a los deportes invernales, surgió como un ingenioso recurso: eran los tiempos de la Guerra Fría, y a los periodistas del Este se les prohibía –como a sus connacionales-, sortear las fronteras hacia el Oeste. No era posible viajar por cuestiones de trabajo, pero… por deporte, sí! Fue entonces, en 1954, cuando un grupo de suizos decidió crear el Ski Club International des Journalistes, y convocar a su colegas del otro lado del muro a una carrera sobre las tablas.
Los tiempos cambiaron, pero el SCIJ sigue siendo una plataforma para el intercambio y la confraternidad. Entre sus miembros hay representantes de 45 países (cada uno con su club nacional) entre los que se encuentran todos los países de Europa, así como Canadá, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica, Marruecos, Japón e Israel. Y también la Argentina, el único, por ahora, de América Latina.
La actual vinculación de nuestro país con el SCIJ fue promovida por la Secretaría de Turismo de la Nación, cuando se decidió la participación de representantes de nuestro país en los últimos encuentros.
En el 2006, la Argentina fue sede de lo que en el SCIJ se denomina “Encuentro de Verano”, por tener lugar en el verano septentrional, que por primera vez en su historia se realizó en el Hemisferio Sur. Fueron 10 días compartidos con más de 50 periodistas de 22 países en Buenos Aires, Bariloche, Villa la Angostura y San Martín de los Andes. El Presidente del SCIJ, el periodista suizo Miguel Aquiso, recalcó la cordialidad y profesionalidad con la que fueron atendidos y destacó que en la historia del club hubo un antes y un después de su visita a la Argentina.
En marzo del 2008, el CAPE fue presentado ante la comunidad internacional en la Asamblea General del SCIJ que tuvo lugar en Jasná, Eslovaquia, durante el 54º encuentro internacional de la entidad. En esa oportunidad, la representación argentina invitó a 100 periodistas de todo el mundo a participar de un nuevo encuentro en septiembre del 2009, que tuvo lugar en Buenos Aires, el Cerro Catedral y el Cerro Castor, en Ushuaia.
HISTORY OF THE CAPE (Argentine Club of Journalists Skiers)
In 2006, Argentina hosted what in the SCIJ is called «Summer Encounter», to take place in the northern summer, which for the first time in its history was made in the Southern Hemisphere. There were ten days shared with more than fifty journalists from twenty-two different countries, in the cities of Buenos Aires, Bariloche, Villa la Angostura and San Martin de los Andes. The President of the Club at that time, the Swiss-Spanish journalist Miguel Aquiso, emphasized the cordiality and professionalism with which they were received and attended throughout the meeting and stressed that there will undoubtedly be a before and after his visit to Argentina in the history of the SCIJ, and was the starting point so that in the following year, more precisely on August 18, 2007 in the city of Bariloche a group of Argentine journalists practicing skiing and snowboarding constitute the CAPE. Also important was the initiative and collaboration of the Secretary of Tourism of the Nation to create and organize the birth of this Club.
CAPE is the first National Club in the history of SCIJ to settle outside the Northern Hemisphere and the first in Latin America. The meeting took place at the Hotel Panamericano, where more than thirty Professional Journalists from the Graphic Media, Television, Radio and Internet gathered to form a space for the exchange of ideas and projects and share the passion they have for The sport of snow.
The Club is apolitical civil association, made up of communicators who like skiing and mountain activities, who with this group also created a space for the exchange of ideas and projects and to share their passion for snow sports.
The objectives of the institution, as stated in the Statute, are «to develop and disseminate skiing and snowboarding among Argentine journalists, increase mountain culture and knowledge of tourism and social reality, as well as promote personal and Professional exchange among its members. To this end, the company organizes regular meetings open to all partners for the practice of winter activities.
Among the members of the First Steering Committee were Alejandro Vayo (Snow Time, ESPN), Tito Juárez (Diario Río Negro), Susana Sotomayor (Snowmass), Eduardo Furlan (GPS), Nancy Pazos (Channel 9), Jorge Crescitelli (Tyr Sports) Michelle Troconis (Cerro Castor de Usuhaia), Pablo Costa (Inforum Patagonia), Cecilia Nicolini (Sectur), Roberto Escardó (Disney Channel), Ricardo Caletti (Patagonian Portal), Guillermo Luque (TerritorioSur), Nantlais Evans (El Cordillerano), and Gerardo Blanco (The Specials).
The day following the election of the Club authorities, the journalists shared a day in the Cerro Catedral, where they had the opportunity to witness the Parallel of Professionals of AADIDES (Asociación Argentina de Instructores de Ski y Snowboard) and take advantage of it His own Baptism Race, with remembrance medals for all. Then it was the turn to celebrate together with a toast at the Ski Ranch Confectionery, enjoying the fireworks of Direct TV in the Base of Cerro Catedral.
Based on an agreement between the Ministry of Tourism of Río Negro and the CAPE, a Press Room was obtained at the base of Cerro Catedral to meet the requirements of journalists who visit the mountain activities center during the winter season and facilitate the Work of the media that spread the proposals and attractions of the tourist destination.
The room located in the provincial government building at the base of Cerro, has Internet connection and consultation materials provided to the organization by journalists that groups media workers from all over the country, fans of winter sports .
CAPE organizes different events related to the mountain, such as the informative conference on avalanches and volcanic ash provided by Cedric Larcher. In addition to organizing the Ski Race of the Journalists that is usually done. Also members of the Club are invited to know and spread other Patagonia ski resorts but lesser influx of skiers.
The appointment of the SCIJ in 2008 was in Jasna, Slovakia, and in 2009 in Abetone where he attended by our Club Adrián Stravitz. But it was at the meeting in Slovakia where the CAPE was officially presented to the international authorities and Pablo Costa, Journalist of Bariloche, attended this event and invited a hundred journalists from all over the world to participate in a new meeting in August of the year 2010 which took place in Buenos Aires, Cerro Cathedral and Cerro Castor de Ushuaia. The event was organized by the National Institute of Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR), with the support of the “Instituto de Turismo Fueguino”, the Cerro Castor Ski Center, Aerolíneas Argentinas, and the Argentine Club of Journalists Skiers (CAPE) The Professionals competed in different disciplines of ski, and had a series of conferences and discussions related to the profession. The 57th SCIJ meeting in the southernmost city in the world was held at the Maritime Museum and was attended by provincial authorities, the city, the Austral Naval Area, the Ushuaia Andean Club, and the «Nora Skate School» Vega. «At the beginning of the event, the skiers from the Andean Club Ushuaia were wearing the flags of the countries represented at this meeting, and the vice president of that organization, Martín Begino, thanked the journalists present for choosing the city of Fueguina as the venue for the meeting international. He added that the city has become a world-renowned training center for teams that visit us annually. Young skiers read a proclamation about their dreams in which they emphasized the values of sport, and Added that they longed to organize the World of Interesqui Instructors in 2015, which came to light years later when they were elected in Saint Anton, Austria on January 21, 2011 by 28 votes to 7 votes from Finland and 3 from Bulgaria. Immediately, the President of the Circle of Skier Journalists, Miguel Aquiso (Spain) said that «it is an immense pleasure and honor to have been able to reach these remote and magical land of the end of the world», adding that we can ski and perform this 57th Meeting International is proud of it, and thanked the organizers and the Fuegian tourist sector «for receiving us and for the magic that entails a meeting of journalists here, on their land. On November 26, 2010, the Cape assembly was held, and With the assistance of Pablo Costa, Roberto Escardó, Guillermo Luque, Susana Sotomayor, Jorge Crescitelli, Ignacio Chiocconi, Paola Cerda, Gerardo Blanco, Sergio Dovio and Adrian Canal Bustos; Where the meeting of Ushuaia is reported, and did not imply any expenditure for the CAPE thanks to the management of Cecilia Nicolini. It was emphasized that one of the main aspects of each meeting is the repercussion it may have on press publications, and therefore encouraged the members present and all members of the CAPE to contact the ICSJ members present To be at your disposal to supply you with material that may facilitate your making publications about Argentina, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego and Buenos Aires; It was recalled that there is a database of information in English and Spanish on the web, which was sent to the colleagues in attendance, who will also send information about the coming summer season. Finally it was commented that Sergio Dovio will be the representative of the CAPE in the Next Banff meeting and will be in charge of receiving the reports of the publications that the attending colleagues, with which will be made a clipping that will be given to the companies and institutions organizadoras and sponsors.En the meeting in the Candian city in February 2011, our representative led the flag parade of the 30 participating countries, took a tour under the snow and with a temperature of -16 degrees through the courtyard of the Castle Hotel Fairmont Spring Banff. All our delegations were accommodated in this Hotel. Our Club was present at the SCIJ Meetings in Ponte di Legno-Tonale in 2013 and Adrian Stravitz and Sergio Dovio were our representatives. At the meeting held in Baqueira Beret in 2015 and Sestriere 2016 were represented by Sergio Dovio.
Lista de integrantes del Club que conforman la actual Comisión Directiva y han sido designados como autoridades por Asamblea el día 21 de Septiembre de 2019
Presidente: Dovio Sergio
Vicepresidente: Costa, Pablo
Secretario: Luque, Guillermo Omar
Prosecretario Dovio Maria Eugenia
Tesorero: Torcini, Julio
Pro tesorero: Cerda Paola
Vocales: Blanco Gerardo
Sarasqueta Juan Carlos
Cristina M. Gonzalez
Campos Andrés